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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/11/24
Sunapee Board of Selectmen Meeting &
Budget Advisory Committee
Monday, November 24, 2008
7:00PM Town Office Meeting Room
***DRAFT*** ***DRAFT***
Present: Richard Leone Chairman, Steve White Vice-Chairman, Bill Roach, Fred Gallup, Donna Nashawaty Town Manager, Scott Unsworth Chairman Budget Advisory Committee, Spec Bowers, Charles Smith.
Also Present: Roger Landry, Scott Blewitt, John Walden, Dan Ruggles, Charlotte Brown, Anne Nilsen, Mary Epremian and Sue Gottling.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Leone at 7:00PM.

Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty presented budget update. (See attached)
1) 2009 Meeting Schedule:
Budget Hearing-Wednesday January 14, 2009, 7:00PM at the Town Meeting Room.
Deliberative Session- Wednesday February 3, 2009, 7:00PM at the Shelburne Gym.
2) Summary of first presentation and updated presentation.
3) 2009 Estimated Tax Rate.
4) 2009 Warrant Articles Summary
5) Northeast Urban Region Consumer Price Index-CPI-U
6) Summary of expenditures.
7) Summary of revenues.
8) Summary of revised salaries.
On 11/8 the COLA was 5.2%, 11/24 it was changed to 4%. The change is reflected on the revised salary summary. Reduced overall budget by $24,969.79.

Scott Unsworth-Chairman Budget Advisory Committee summarized what the Budget Advisory Committee looked at : Various departments are looking for additional hours, additional personnel. What are the factors for expanding? Services increased, population increase, regulations increased ( more paperwork).

Scott Blewitt-Recreation Director commented on the breakdown of the programs that the Recreation Department provides to the community since he came to town seven years ago. The recreation department offers more programs then Newbury, who’s Director is 30 hours a week and New London who’s director is full-time.
Public Comments
Charlotte Brown-concerned about the COLA, thinks with the economy some of the numbers should be cut-back, the only place that should not be cut-back is the Welfare line item. Ms. Brown wants to make sure that there is enough money for the social programs.

Donna responded that:
Trying to offer the services the Board has requested.
Trying to keep quality employees, has had 2 Administrative Assistants leave in the past year. A part-time employee for the Highway department to help a manager that’s nearing retirement with clerical office help.
Budgets have been adjusted to reflect the major increase in fuel costs. The 2 departments that are really depend on fuel, Police and Highway have made some changes to cut costs. The budget that is presented to the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Advisory Committee has already been trimmed when presented.

Next Budget Discussion will be at the Budget Hearing on January 14, 2009
Next Regular BOS Meeting will be Monday, December 1, 2008
Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 8:24PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                        Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith
